Terms of use

The Company

www.letsgobio.gr is an online shop through which products are sold over the Internet. It is owned by Petropoulos Leonidas Dimitrios, under the legal name Let's Go Bio, address Vouliagmenis Ave 43-47, legally represented by GECR: 002303701000, VAT 037136722, phone number 210 3003455, fax number 210 3003457 (called from now on "The Company"). The Company is the distance seller to the consumer within the meaning of the legislation in force.

General terms and conditions

The following terms and conditions determine the use of the present e-shop as well as all the online purchases made through it. Read carefully and ensure that you understand and agree with these terms and conditions, as any further use and navigation through this website implies your explicit and unconditional consent as well as your acceptance of these terms. This website’s legitimate holder is not obliged to inform their users for any modifications or content changes made at any given time. All visitors/users ought to check regularly if any changes or modifications have been made to these terms and conditions. This website’s users are being informed by the website’s legitimate holder for any changes concerning the transactions’ terms. If any modification or change takes place during the process of an order, then this change is not valid and does not affect the already-placed orders. It is hereby made clear that no provisions of the Greek legislation’s mandatory law are being touched on by the terms and conditions of this webpage as well as all the transactions being made through it. This e-shop’s use is prohibited by users who are underage or who do not possess the capacity of performing legal acts.

User’s responsibility

It is hereby made clear that this webpage will not be used by the users for sending, posting, e-mailing or transmitting by any other possible way any content which is illegal, harmful, offending, defamatory or violating privacy of another individual.

Personal data protection

For the terms of personal data protection click here.

Purchaser's rights

According to Article 540 of the Civil Code, if the seller is held liable for a defective product, the purchaser may bring the following claims against it:
- a request for repair or replacement of the product, unless this is impossible or requires disproportionately expenses;
- a reduction in the consideration payable
- recission of the sale contract, unless the defect is minor.
The seller must proceed with repair or replacement of the defective product within reasonable time and without causing additional
trouble to the purchaser.

Right of withdrawal

The return non-defective products is possible if the package is unopened and in its original condition and if the return is made within 14 calendar days from the date of purchase. In this case you are charged with shipping costs and return. Unable to return non-defective food products.
In case of purchase by invoice, reimbursement must be accompanied by delivery note.


This web site uses the technology of "cookies" in order to improve and facilitate your visit to it. The "cookie" files are sent to your PC and recognize you as a unique user by saving your personal preferences and technical info. Persistent (cookies which remain to your PC until you delete them) as well as session (cookies which remain until you close your browser) cookies are being used in order to keep your order in your Shopping Cart without being deleted each time you leave the webpage. These cookies do not contain or under any circumstance reveal any personal data. If you do not accept the use of cookies from our website, you may change your browser’s settings in order not to accept cookies (you may find instructions on how to change your browser’s settings concerning cookies on the Help section of your browser). In that case most probably our webpage will not function correctly.


SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) Protocol, is nowadays the most widely deployed cryptographic protocol to provide security over internet communications. SSL Certificates are small data files that digitally bind a cryptographic key to an organization’s details. When installed on a web server, it activates the padlock and the https protocol and allows secure connections from a web server to a browser. Typically, SSL is used to secure credit card transactions, data transfer and logins, and more recently is becoming the norm when securing browsing of social media sites. Moreover, all info sent via SSL Protocol is being protected by a mechanism which verifies whether the data has been modified during the transfer. During the online payment, the user is transferred to an encrypted safety connection page with SSL Protocol which belongs exclusively to the bank that has been chosen, which deals with the payment and notices this e-shop when it has been fulfilled. All transactions made by this e-shop are being governed by the International and European law which deals with issues of e-commerce as well as by the Greek law which concerns the consumer’s protection and deals with issues having to do with distance purchasing.


All available (for purchasing) products, their characteristics, prices and available stock are located in this webpage and are accessible to everyone. Users may search for more info concerning each product by clicking either the product’s image or the "Read more" button. This website oughts to inform on time their customers concerning the availability or non-availability of the products that have been ordered but it is not responsible for their availability. All possible efforts are being made daily in order our e-shop to provide all the necessary info concerning each product (characteristics, prices, availability etc.). VAT has been estimated in all prices displayed on the relative catalogues underneath each product. There might be a possibility of price-change according to the rights of our e-shop without being obliged to inform our customers.

Product order-Customer protection

Orders via this e-shop are the conclusion of agreement of distance selling according to the valid law 2251/1994 as well as all the rest valid Greek and EU legislation. After the order’s delivery, customers have the right to return the products, exactly on the condition they have received them within 14 days since delivery by sending them back to the address stated on the Contact us page. Customers can further notice us via email or phone as they are stated on the Contact us page. Customers who have purchased personalized products made specially for them do not have the right or returning them back. The shipping costs are exclusively paid by the customer who selects the desired method of shipping during their order. The possibility of a valid order through our e-shop applies only when you are capable of performing legal acts according to the Greek Civil Code (as long as you have completed your 18 th year of age and you are not δεν τελείτε σε δικαστική συμπαράσταση ως προς τη σύναψη σύμβασης πώλησης). Orders can be also made by representatives of legal persons while the present e-shop reserves its right to demand the return of any orders made by individuals not are capable of performing legal acts from their or guardians.

Order through e-shop

It is necessary to provide us with a valid e-mail address as well as a valid phone number during your order through this e-shop. In any case the e-mail address you provide must be valid and belong to you as all our communication will be done through the e-mail address you have filled your order. Your phone number will be used in case the communication via e-mail is not feasible. In all this e-shop’s pages and under each available-for-purchase product there is the button "Read more". Navigate to our e-shop and add the products you wish to buy to the Shopping Cart. In order to continue shopping, you may choose from the main product categories the one which contains the next product you wish to buy and add it to your Shopping Cart as well. When you have finished adding products click on the Shopping Cart image at the top of your screen. If you do not wish to buy any of our products by adding it to the Shopping Cart you have the opportunity to add it to the Favorites list of our e-shop so as to distinguish it from the rest of our products and take your time in order to decide if you wish to purchase it or not.

Order procedure

This website’s order procedure is the following:

  1. Select the products you wish to buy and put them in the Shopping cart by clicking on the button "Add to cart".
  2. As soon as you have selected all the products you wish to buy, click on the button "Check out" which redirects you to the Check out page.
  3. Fill in the customer shipping info, select the desired shipping as well as the payment method and insert (if any) the discount voucher code to the special field.
  4. You are also given the option to fill in any possible comments. Your comments are necessary in the case of any personalized item as they are used for its description.
  5. As soon as you have completed all the necessary fields, click on the button "Submit order".
  6. Depending on the payment method you have selected you will be redirected to the corresponding environment (PayPal, payment by Credit or Debit card etc.) in order to complete your order.
  7. As soon as the procedure is completed you will be noticed by an informative Order confirmation e-mail to the e-mail address you have filled in to the Check out page.

Methods of Receiving

Depending on the shipping method you have selected on the Check out page you will receive your order respectively. Orders sent by courier normally take 1 working day to receive (applies for deliveries in Greece). Orders sent by postal services normally take 3 to 5 working days to receive (applies for deliveries in Greece).

Payment Methods

All payment methods are referred to the "Payment methods" page.

Supported Shipping

Supported shipping is referred to the "Supported shipping" page.

Returns - Cancellations

All terms and conditions regarding to returns/cancellations’ policies are referred to the "Returns – Cancellations" page.

Payment security

Payment security is referred to the "Payment security" page.


All the website's content, namely logos, graphic designs, photos, texts and all the site's files in general are copyrighted and being protected by the relevant ordinances of the Greek law, the European law and the international conventions and treaties.